
GTV began three years ago in a small town in Alabama, Our goal for Huntington GTV is to provide the same sort of local programming.

Our mission is:
(1) To bring viewers local and regional news, sports and entertainment.
(2) To build Hunington's community, getting neighbors and friends in Huntington together.
(3) To provide local business an easy and inexpensive way to communicate with the community via target, cost-effective advertising.
(4) Provide public access to city officials, civic groups and the community.
(5) To promote Huntington as a great place to live and work.

Previously, the prestige and status of having a local TV station was reserved for the big cities. Now, GTV lets smaller towns and villages promote their communities, to  attract new business, jobs and other opportunity's.

Huntington GTV  will lead the way in the new wave of next generation Television stations. The new digital format can be delivered by cable networks or over the internet. mobile phones, tablets, net-books and the newest generation of smart TV's (Goole TV's) and Blue-ray players from Sony, LG, Logitech and others are all equipped to watch digital content.

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